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Dental Procedures

When rough tartar accumulates on tooth surfaces and touches the gum line, it is time for a professional oral assessment, treatment, and prevention visit.

For proper dental evaluation and care, your pet must be safely placed under general anesthesia. Anesthesia allows the veterinarian to thoroughly examine the mouth, noting any abnormalities in your pet’s medical record.

How are the teeth cleaned?

After the mouth is evaluated and diseased teeth noted on your pet’s medical chart, tooth scaling will be performed, using both hand and ultrasonic scalers, to remove tartar above and below the gum line. The tartar below the gum line causes the most significant periodontal disease, so its removal is important.

If periodontal disease is advanced, it may not be possible to save badly affected teeth. These teeth will need x-rayed and extracted.

After scaling, the teeth are polished to decrease the rate of subsequent plaque build-up. Sealer application is recommended to decrease plaque accumulation.

More information about dental cleaning in dogs!More information about dental cleaning in cats!

How can I prevent tartar build up?

Plaque and tartar begin forming in as little as six hours after your pet’s dental cleaning. A home dental care program is a must. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to brush or rinse your pet’s teeth. Plaque and tartar accumulation can be decreased by rubbing a Q-tip along the gum line daily.

More information about teeth cleaning for dogs!More information about teeth cleaning in cats!

For more information about dental procedures, check out our pet health library!